Bowen Mission  博文宗旨:

Facebook_like_thumb  Cultivate Interest, Build Confidence, Excel in Acedemy  培养兴趣、建立信心、提高成绩

Bowen Features  博文特色:

Facebook_like_thumb  We teach according to the syllabus of MOE  配合教育部华文及高级华文课程的出题形式进行授课;

Facebook_like_thumb  Professional Chinese Tutors who teaches with heart and patience  专业华文补习教师,教学认真,具有耐心和爱心。

Facebook_like_thumb  Small class teaching: 6-10 students per class. Each level has a couple of classes to suit you and your children’s needs  小班制, 每班 6-10 位学生。 每个年级有多个班级,配合各位家长的需求。

Facebook_like_thumb  Flexible schedule & arrangement 灵活的时间安排。

Facebook_like_thumb  “Individualize” – We teach every student according to their different pace of learning, and we stimulate students’ curiosity  因材施教,激发学生的求知欲。

Bowen Teaching Styles  博文授课方式:

Facebook_like_thumb  Small Class Teaching: 6-10 Students/ Class  小班制: 6-10 位学员;

Facebook_like_thumb  Small Group Teaching: 1-3 Students  小组学习: 1-3 位学员;

Facebook_like_thumb  1-to-1 Teaching  1对1 教学。

 Bowen Chinese Tuition Courses  博文中文课程:

K1 – K2 (Pre-School) Course: Poems/ Tongue Twisters/ Drama Games/ HanYuPinYin/ Chinese Words

学前启蒙班:儿歌、 绕口令、 看图说话、 汉语拼音、 笔画笔顺、认识汉字

Chinese Enrichment Course: Building Vocabulary/ Reading Comprehension/ Pictorial Writing/ Creative Writing/ Oral & Listening Skills


Creative Writing & Comprehension Course: ChengYu/ Reading Comprehension/ Composition & Creative Writing Techniques


Secondary Chinese Enrichment Course: Building Vocabulary/ Reading Comprehension/ Official Letters Writing/ Newspaper Reading & Review 

中学基础强化班:课本字词、理解问答、 公函、 报章读后感
